Place of Grace is excited to announce that they will be hosting their 5th annual Red Party event at the Huntington Church of the Nazarene, 1555 Flaxmill Road. The event will be held on Friday, February 11 from 7 to 9 p.m.
The Red Party is one of their two annual fundraisers, and all proceeds are used to support their faith-based residential recovery programs for women exiting incarceration and short-term substance abuse treatment in the Huntington region. While the Red Party is a fundraiser, the Red Party provides a panel discussion with several female experts in the medical and mental health fields.
In years past, Red Party topics have focused on reproductive health, cardiac health and mental health. The 2022 Red Party will focus on issues related to pandemic health. Place of Grace will have female panel experts that will share information regarding COVID-19 ‘long haulers,’ mental health support during a pandemic and the impact of stress on women’s reproductive health.
We will have a silent auction and self-care basket raffle at this year’s event and are currently seeking donations for the auction and raffle. If you would like to partner with them for this exciting event through a silent auction or self-care basket donation, please contact Ashley Smothers at or by calling (260) 358-7529 for more information.